Friday, September 30, 2016

“We learn to do by doing”

Spencer W. Kimball

    This quote means that we learn to do thing by actually trying them out and doing it. If we never try doing something we never learn. But if you actually try it out then you will know it. For example, if you want to learn how to skateboard then you have to do it. You keep on practicing and practicing and then you will actually get the hang of it. Another example is if you want to know how to spell then you do it and start spelling. Even if it's wrong you learn from your mistakes and practice until you get it right. Always try something new in life because if you never do it then you will never learn to do it. This is why you should always take risks in life even if you don't know you can always learn to do by doing. Just remember to always choose the right and to learn to do by doing, you should never forget that.  


Emergency Medical Technician

Duties and responsibilities:
An Emergency Medical Technician is also known as an EMT. They are responsible for rushing into crime scenes and perform basic life saving techniques. Its also depends on what level of training you are on so you could do different types of things. If you are more advanced you will go into the harder type of crimes scenes. But if you are just training and know the basic stuff then you might just go to help out with medical techniques. There are at least three different levels to being an EMT. The first one is the basic ones that control bleeding and bandage injuries. The second one is the EMT-I, they have more experience like cardiac monitoring and administering IV treatments. The last one is the EMT paramedic, they hold the most training like providing blood transfusions and evaluating medical records.
Salary: $31,700 for all EMT’s and paramedics

To be an EMT or paramedic most states require you to complete a certified program in medical technician training in order to qualify for state or national certified exams. Regular EMT training lasts at least six months but for a paramedic it last at least two years depending on what you choose

Demand for this profession:
The demand for this profession is really high. It is about 24% of growth between the years of 2014-2024. There should be many job openings by these year if anyone is interested in these types of jobs.

I would like to be an EMT because I might get to help out people. For example like helping people stop bleeding and stuff like that. I also get to go into an crime scene and look at the different stuff people might of left behind. Also find out who did the crime scene and many other interesting things.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"Do whats right even in tough situations"
Liliana Reyes

     This quote means that you should choose the right even if something bad is happening. No mater what is going on, in your heart you should always know what to do and that is choosing the right. For example if some of your friends are forcing you to do something bad like doing drugs then you should know to choose the right and not listen to them. You should just simply say no or walk away from the bad influences. If you end up listening to them then you will end up in bad problems later on in life. For example you might get addicted to drugs and it will cause you to become unhealthy and make bad decisions in life and you will no longer have a successful career in you future. This is why you should choose the right all the time even when things are not going well or your in tough situations that you cant handle. If things are not going as planned and you can't deal with it any more them you should choose the right and ask for help because if you truly need it them just ask. Many people can't deal with many issues and they just forget about and not do it instead of doing the right thing and asking for help. This is why you always need to do what's right even in tough situations.

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Ear Nose Throat Doctor

Duties and responsibilities:
The ear, nose, and throat doctor is also known as a otolaryngologist.  They are the oldest physicians trained in medical and surgical management and treat patients with diseases from the ear, nose, and throat. They also treat related structures of the head, neck, face, and mouth. But they are commonly known as ENT physicians. Specialized skilled people manage with other disorders. But most ENT specialist work with patients that have nosebleeds and other problems. EMT specialist of the nose deal with patients suffering of chronic sinusitis.
Salary: $205,000 per year

The education required to be an ENT doctor is that you need to complete four years of medical school. During the last two years you can take specialized courses for otolaryngology. Next they must pass the american board of otolaryngology exam. Some people also do one-two years of fellowship for extensive training.

Demand for this profession:
The demand for this profession is very high. It is expected to rise 18 percent over the years of 2012 to 2022. It should be even greater as the years go by in that time period. More people would want to do these kind of jobs now because it will be the highest in the medical career.

I would not like to be an ear, nose, and throat doctor because i would not like to be looking at other people's dirty ears, nose, and throat. You never know what people might be doing these days and even though they will be wearing groves when they check, I would still not like to do that. I am not really interested in this type of career.

Monday, September 26, 2016

“Obedience is the central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.”
David Bednar

    I think this quote means that obedience is the main thing you need to focus on to become a happy, grateful person. Nothing more, nothing less because obedience is all you need. If you listen and pay attention to people and you treat them right that is being obedient and with that you will become happy in life. For example, if you listen and pay attention to your parents about doing your chores around the house once in a while you are being obedient. Then good things will come out of that like making your parents happy and feeling great that you did something good for someone. Maybe you might even get a little treat out of it for being obedient. Just one little step that you do good can make you or someone else feel happy inside all just because you chose the right to be obedient. But for example if you behave bad then may bad things will come out of that. If you don’t listen to your parents about doing chores then the next time you want to go out or do something with your friends they will not let you because you did not listen to them. You chose the wrong and you were not obedient.

LAUSD Student Services

     LAUSD Student services provide:
  • Summer programs
  • Sports
  • Scholarships
  • College Information
  • Field Trips
  • Tutoring
  • A-G Requirements
  • Leadership
  • Avid
  • Safe Environment 
  • Helpful Websites
       I think that the LAUSD District provides us with may helpful and useful information. For example like helping out with college and requirements for our future successful career. They also have sports which really helps kids do what they love. This will be necessary to may students that need help in any subject. I apply to them because as a student I need to have all the right information needed to succeed and LAUSD student services provides that. If I or anyone else has a problem with anything at school this is why thy also have tutoring and summer programs to help us keep on track. Anyways, there is many useful things from LAUSD student services and i strongly agree you should go check them out. 


Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"
Alex Linares

     This quote means that if you choose the right then you know its going to be the right thing to do or the right thing you did today. If you choose the right then you will feel good and you know you did the right thing today. For example, if you choose the right to help out the planet and the environment by recycling then you know that you did something good today and you will feel proud and happy. But if you choose the wrong you will fell bad and ungrateful because whatever you did was not good. So this is why you should never choose the wrong and always choose the right because everyone should do that. But if you don't you will be in a grouchy mood and no one wants that this is always why you want to choose the right 24/7. You want to become happy and a good person to people. You want to be appreciated for the good things you have done in life not the bad things. Because then people will think that your untrustworthy and maybe even selfish. 

                                                   Image result for CTR choose the right

Duties and responsibilities:
Dermatologist are people who relate to the skin and help people take care of it. They improve skin conditions. They provide medical and surgical treatments for the skin if it has problems such as bacteria, acne, unwanted hair, and allergic reactions. Dermatologist could also contribute in scientific research in colleges and universities the help make treatments for skin cancer, and other skin infections. Some of the diagnoses test they might order patients to have and x-ray. They do skin surgery to improve the appearance of the skin.
Salary: $204,072 for all dermatologist

To become a dermatologist you need to get certified by the American Board of Dermatology. To actually take the exam you must graduate from a medical or osteopathic school and present a valid, unrestricted license to practice medicine. In addition you are also required to go to a four year postgraduate training. After completing medical school you must have a licence to practice medicine.

Demand for this profession:
The demand to be a dermatologist is thought to be raised 18% from the year 2012-2022. It is one of the most demanding profession for these types of jobs mainly because it has to do with health care.

I would not like to be a dermatologist because i don't want to be touching people's face and their acne. Then I might get infected with their pimples and bacteria.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player"
John Wooden

     I think this quote means that you are way more important as a person than if you were a athlete or an teacher. It doesn't matter if you are a artist or anything like that it just matters who you are and what you do in life as a person. For example if you are the best football player on your team that doesn't mean anything. The only thing that matters is the person you are. People might not care if you won 17 trophies in a row they are going to see what kind of person you really are in the inside besides being a basketball player. The important thing is how you act and how you treat other people in life instead of just being a athlete and playing all day. Even though you are focused on your athletic career you sometimes have to set that aside and be a person that people will actually want to hangout with. for example you could be mean and aggressive on the field or court. But as a person its is way more important. 

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Duties and Responsibilities:
Teachers are responsible for preparing lesson plans, teaching classes and evaluating progress. They also encourage students and maintain discipline in the classroom. Teachers can also stay after school for tutoring. Which helps kids out if they are having trouble on a subject.Some teachers might also help out in extracurricular sports, clubs, and activities which is also optional. They also communicate with parents about students’ progress throughout the school year if they either behave bad or good. Some teachers may vary depending on the grade, or level they might teach. For example they might teach high honors english, or regular science.
Salary: $45,299-$47,224

To become a teacher every state requires that public school teacher must be licensed completing educational requirements and passing examinations. A bachelor's degree is also a minimum requirement. If you're going to be an elementary teacher you must hold a bachelor's degree in education. While high school teachers have degrees in subject areas.

Demand for this profession:
The demand for teachers will always be necessary regarding budget cut or any sort of that matter. Schools will always need someone to teach students no matter the situation.

I would like to be a teacher one day because it seems really interesting to do one day in my future career. I would want to teach students something new and helping the with problems they might have in that subject.

Friday, September 16, 2016

"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse"
Pathros of Antioch & All the East, 1846-'94

     This quote means that wealth is what is truly inside you not the money you have, or the expensive cars. Wealth is not just about the huge houses and the money you have because the real wealth is what you are truly made of. You are not made up of money, your are made up of kindness and care. For example people with the lots of money like actors and singers earn up lots of money and buy lots of things, but that's all there interested in, is the money! But real singers and actors make it for the fans and their supporters because that's what the true meaning of wealth is. Wealth does not means money, it does not mean expensive things about that. It is whats on the inside that makes you a wealthy person. For example the way you treat people, and the way you talk to people in a nice way makes you wealth with good friends. Then if you have lots of money you might even become greedy and a mean person once you discover the true value of money. But actually the true value of wealth is of the heart.

                                                     Image result for "true wealth is of the heart, not of the purse"
Dental Assistant

Duties and responsibilities:
Dental assistants are people who help out the dentist in preparing equipment, take pictures of the teeth, such as x-rays, and hold suction tools. They are the ones that stand next to the dentist to help them and such things. They receive patients call and take appointments for people on the phone. Also help with office duties, send bills, receive payments and order dental supplies. They often vary with the type of work they are assigned to. But they are not the ones that do dental work on you they just help out with any problems the doctor might have while preparing tools.

Salary: $22,207-$43,631

To be a dental assistant there are no formal education required to jet this job. But some assistants do have high-school diplomas. There are also dental assisting programs that typically last about one year. These programs tend to focus on technical training through classrooms, laboratories, and clinics.  

Demand for this profession:
Dental assistants are greatly increasing throughout the year. Many people are wanting this type of job now that is is increasing more and more throughout the year. There are a lot more jobs opening if anyone is interested in this kind of job opportunity.


I would like to be a dental assistant because i would not be the one that will be touching or cleaning the teeth. I would just be there to help out the dentist in preparing tools, taking x-rays of the patient's teeth, and helping around the clinic. This will be a much better job for me rather than messing around with people's teeth.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
Ezra T. Benson

     This quote means that you can't do the wrong thing and feel right about it because you have to feel bad if you did something wrong, not good. Other wise if you do something bad you will never feel good about it because it is impossible. For example if you cheat on a big test you are doing something wrong, bad or not good. Later on you end up getting and A on that test you know that you didn't deserve and you will be very disappointed in your-self for choosing the wrong. So even though you got a good grade it will be something that you don't deserve. This is why you should always choose the right even in harsh consequences because they you know that later on you will feel good that you did that. You will feel proud of your-self that you chose the right and not the wrong because that will be very bad.

                                         Image result for you cannot do wrong and feel right it is impossible

Duties and Responsibilities:
Dentists are medical professionals who provide tooth, gum, and mouth care for patients. These doctors instruct individual brushing and flossing and many other aspects of dental care. Dentist will meet with patients often for tooth removal decay, fill in cavities, repair teeth, and treat gum disease. They also need to monitor growth and see the development of teeth and jaws. In some special cases they also need to perform surgery on the teeth, bone, and soft tissue. This career requires excellent eye vision, communicating skills and self-discipline. They also need to know how to use the dental equipment properly.
Salary: $166,810-$118,470

In order to become a dentist you are required to have a bachelor's degree before being admitted into any dental school. Dental school is a four year commitment and includes many classes. Dentists are required to be licensed in the stated they are working in, which requires to take a written test.

Demand for this profession:
The demand for this profession is kind of low because it is expected to rise 18 percent from the year 2014-20204. That seems like a little bit of people doing this kind of profession when we go into those years.


I would not like to be a dentist in my future career because i don't really find the mouth part intersting to do a job. I think it is kind of gross going into people's mouth and cleaning it when you don't even know what they have been doing. It might be interesting for other people to see how the mouth functions but not for me.

Monday, September 12, 2016

"When I do good, I feel good.When I do bad, I feel bad."
Abraham Lincoln

     This quote means that when you do something good, you will feel happy through out the day. For example if you study all day for a test you have the next day and you get an A on it. You will feel proud and happy that you accomplished your goals in getting a good grade on that test. But this quote also means that if you do something bad you will feel bad for what you did. For example, if you had homework for your class due the next day but you were to lazy to do it. You did not turn it in and you got a 0 for not completing the homework. You will feel guilty and bad that you got nothing and it dropped your grade down just because you felt too lazy and tired to finish it. This is why you should always do good every day. You should always choose the right and pay attention. Even if you were too lazy and tired to do anything because everything you do depends on your education and future career. 

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