Thursday, September 8, 2016

911 Memorials

     On the day of September 11, 2001 something happened that changed our history forever. It was the day that 19 terrorist attacked the United States. They hijacked four planes and flew two of them into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York. The impact caused the two buildings to collapse and catch on fire. Another plane destroyed part of the pentagon (the U.S military headquarters) in Arlington,Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania in a plain open land. Some officers believed that the plane was meant to hit somewhere around the White House or the U.S capital. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorist and prevent them from reaching their goal. In total nearly 3,000 people were killed and 6,000 others were injured. The attack caused at least $10 billion on property damage and $3 trillion in total cost.

     My thoughts of this event was very sad and devastating. Its also very sad how terrorist have a mind and heart to do these kinds of things to innocent people that will be heart broken forever. It caused many family members and friends to die or get injured. For example in this one video before the towers were going to fall or burn down an ex-husband called his wife and children. He just wanted to say that he knew he wasn't going to make it and he loved them a lot. Minutes after that one of the twin towers he was on fell and killed a lot of people including him. It was a very tragic time for many people.

                                                 Image result for 9/11             

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