Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Duties and Responsibilities:
Dentists are medical professionals who provide tooth, gum, and mouth care for patients. These doctors instruct individual brushing and flossing and many other aspects of dental care. Dentist will meet with patients often for tooth removal decay, fill in cavities, repair teeth, and treat gum disease. They also need to monitor growth and see the development of teeth and jaws. In some special cases they also need to perform surgery on the teeth, bone, and soft tissue. This career requires excellent eye vision, communicating skills and self-discipline. They also need to know how to use the dental equipment properly.
Salary: $166,810-$118,470

In order to become a dentist you are required to have a bachelor's degree before being admitted into any dental school. Dental school is a four year commitment and includes many classes. Dentists are required to be licensed in the stated they are working in, which requires to take a written test.

Demand for this profession:
The demand for this profession is kind of low because it is expected to rise 18 percent from the year 2014-20204. That seems like a little bit of people doing this kind of profession when we go into those years.


I would not like to be a dentist in my future career because i don't really find the mouth part intersting to do a job. I think it is kind of gross going into people's mouth and cleaning it when you don't even know what they have been doing. It might be interesting for other people to see how the mouth functions but not for me.

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