Monday, May 15, 2017

Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips
  1. Work Hard.
  2. Follow Your passion. Do things you are interested in doing.
  3. Don't chase after money.
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.

      These tips are very important because it shows how to become successful and achieve all your life goals. If you follow all of these tip as you are working you are sure to become the greatest just like Phillip Riggs. Since he became successful, he probably used these tips for himself as well. I agree with these tips from Phillip Riggs because it shows us how to be the best and work hard because that is the main point. If you follow these amazing tips you will end up in the right path. You have chosen the right and therefor will become happy. These tips are a way to guide yourself to do the right and choose the right. For example if you are have difficulty in completing your goal and achieving them maybe you doing something wrong. You should look back at these tips and make sure you are following them. When you do, you will make everyone proud including yourself. Always remember if you want to succeed always follow these tips and you will be on the right path.

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