Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Military Medical Career Pathway

Duties and responsibilities:
The responsibilities of being a soldier in the army is that they have to defend the U.S constitution and the nation's residents. They contribute to the efforts of a team, meet their personal assignments and make every attempt to fulfill every mission possible. They defend other soldiers who need their help whether it is in the barracks or in the battlefield. However they are also expected to be loyal to their fellow soldiers, their units, and Army as a whole.

Salary: The amount varies depending on what you are doing. The estimate is around $21,081 to $115,322.

To join the army my must be in high school or have a high school diploma or GED. If you do not meet that requirement there are special programs that can help. There is also ha age limit to join you must be 17 to 35 years old. Certain tests will be performed to verify that you meet the physical requirements of the Army. You are also required to pass a drug screening test.

Demand for this profession:
The Army might be getting smaller but there is still room for many quality soldiers who want to extend their military career.

In my opinion I would not like to be in the army because that is just not what I am interested in. It is a really fun and fascinating career. I just don't see myself doing this in the future. I would consider something a little different than this. This is still something very interesting to try out.

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